8 Telltale Signs You Need an Air Conditioner Repair

air conditioner repair

It is something none of us wants to happen. It is easy to ignore the warning signs, but then it breaks, usually at the worst time, right when the extreme weather kicks in.

When your air conditioner (AC) is not working, it is uncomfortable and can lead to more serious issues.

The good news is that you do not have to wait until you have a completely broken AC. If you know the signs that you need an air conditioner repair, you can get it sorted sooner rather than later. An AC repair will save you discomfort and money in the long run.

After all, who wants to feel discomfort in their own home?

Want to stay comfortable as temperatures soar? Keep reading this guide for all the telltale signs you need to know to get your AC repaired quickly.

High Utility Bills

Even if you have not noticed any issues, an abnormally high energy bill could be to do with your air conditioner.

An inefficient air conditioning system will use more energy than it needs. There could be many reasons for this, so the best step is to get an HVAC contractor to diagnose the issue.

Weird Noises

‘Please work for one more summer!’

When we hear a noise from a household appliance, the go-to solution can be to ignore it and hope it goes away. But usually, with an air conditioner sound, it comes back with a vengeance.

Do not wait until next summer to resolve it!

It is usual for an air conditioner to make some noise, especially when starting up and shutting down. Sudden or unusual noises from the unit or ductwork usually means something is wrong.

There is a range of sounds and all attribute to different problems. If you hear a rattling sound, it could be a broken or loose part. Grinding, squealing, or any other unusual noises can indicate more severe issues.

Warm Air

If your air conditioner is blowing out warm air, the first thing to do is check the thermostat. Check it is at the right temperature and that the fan is set to automatic.

Do you still have problems?

Your air conditioner might need a clean or it might need repair. An AC blowing warm air can also be due to an electrical failure, broken compressor, or the refrigerant.

It is best to get professional help to identify and fix the problem.

Insufficient Airflow

Insufficient airflow is up there with warm air for how uncomfortable this AC problem can be.

If your air conditioner is barely blowing any air, it could be time for an AC repair. A broken motor or clogged air filter are two reasons the air conditioner is not working right.

To solve this issue, a professional will inspect the system. Zoning systems or a ventilator may also help your air conditioner system. A zoning system directs air around the house. In contrast, a ventilator replaces stale air with fresh air.

A Bad Smell

A bad or unusual smell is a telltale sign your air conditioner is not working correctly. A diagnostic session will identify the cause of the odor and stop it from getting worse! Not just the smell, but the problem too.

Usually, a mold or mildew smell means there is stagnant air not draining correctly. An electronic smell could be because of a broken wire.

Either way, these problems can be dangerous, so contact a professional as soon as possible. The ducts might need to be cleaned, or a UVC light used to kill off mildew, mold, and other bacteria build-ups in your unit.

Air Conditioner Working Overtime

An air conditioner switches off once it reaches the temperature on the thermostat. This process is called a cycle.

But when your air conditioner is working overtime or has a mind of its own, then it could frequently be cycling. In other words, short cycling.

Short cycling is rapid, inefficient, and puts pressure on the air conditioner (plus the utility bill). An expert can identify if you need air conditioner repair or a new unit.

There are ways to increase your air conditioner’s lifespan. Regular air conditioner maintenance helps.

High Humidity

Does your house feel stuffy? Is there mold? Are you wiping the sweat off your forehead?

There are many reasons why you have humidity and moisture problems in your home. Maintained air conditioners reduce humidity levels. So if you notice humidity rising, check your AC.

The ideal humidity levels in the home are between 30%-50%. If humidity is higher, you will experience problems. Issues range from stuffiness and condensation to mold and health issues. It is common for asthma and allergy flare-ups also to occur.

An HVAC contractor determines whether humidity levels are because of your air conditioner. They can give recommendations for what steps you need to take to reduce humidity levels. For example, you may need to reduce direct sunlight in the house or get a dehumidifier.

Condensation and Leaks

If you notice condensation, ice, or water dripping, you may need an air conditioner repair. Leaks can come from the ceiling or the AC unit.

Condensation and leaks are often caused by drain line issues, such as blocked drains. Ductwork and refrigerant issues can also be to blame.

While air conditioner leaks are not uncommon, the sooner they get sorted, the better. Leaks can damage household items and lead to structural issues.

Air Conditioner Repair by Experts

It can be tempting to ignore your AC problems; you may want to try a DIY repair. But this carries its own risks and may cause more issues, so it is best to contact a professional HVAC contractor.

Is your AC running efficiently? Take steps to maintain your air conditioner and prepare for the extreme weather in the South. But if you notice any of the warning signs in this article, call an expert!

Do you think you need an air conditioner repair? Contact us today. We offer a 24/7 service.